Introduction to Scientific Computing
ESI CS 1402 - Spring 2010
Mini Projects
General information
General Information (in French)Teams
These websites are in French
ADVANCE SIMULATION: Battlefield ModelingALCADES: Membership modeling for a Facebook group
ASE ESILV: Epidemic simulation: tuberculosis
ECOLUTION: Sustainable development in the Great Lakes region
EN AVANCE: Modeling of the line at the university cafeteria
EPIDEMIA: Simulation of an epidemic
EPIDEMO: Simulation of an epidemic
GLDC: Sustainable development in the Great Lakes region
iDISEASE: Simulation of an epidemic
IRD: Demographic Modeling
JVP CORP: Information growth and diffusion simulation
KARBON-IT: Modeling of the carbon cycle
LAC&CO: Sustainable development in the Great Lakes region
MODELCO: Simulation of a bacteriological attack
NONAME2: Information growth and diffusion simulation
POLITICS&CO: Modeling of a political campaign
NONAME5: Simulation of an epidemic
OPTIM'ALERT: Modeling of the spread of information in the context of a kidnapping
TWITTERS WAY: Information growth and diffusion simulation
UMBRELLA CORPORATION: Simulation of an epidemic
WORM DEFENDER ENGINEERING: Modeling of a the propagation of Worm Defender