Conferences and Workshops
Organized or Co-organized Conferences
Workshop on Numerical Methods and Control of Systems
March 20, 2007Paris, France
Organized by John Cagnol under the auspices of IFIP WG 7.2
Link to the web site
16th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 9-12, 2005Paris, France
Organized by Michel Bernadou, John Cagnol, Roger Ohayon
Link to the web site
Workshop on Applications of Shape Optimization, Smart Materials and MEMS
March 17-18, 2005Paris, France
Organized by Michel Bernadou, John Cagnol, Antoine Henrot, under the auspices of CNRS GDR ANOFOR and the Smart Systems Network
Link to the web site
21st IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization
July 21-25, 2003Sophia Antipolis, France
Organized by John Cagnol (co-chair), Jean-Antoine Désidéri, Jean-Paul Marmorat, Jean-Paul Zolésio (chair)
Link to the web site
MACSI-net WG03 Open Industrial Days
December 16th and 17th, 2002Paris, France
Organized by Michel Bernadou, John Cagnol, Francesco Grasso, Roger Ohayon, Jacques Périaux
Link to the web site
MACSI-net WG03 Prospective Meeting
September 27th and 28th, 2001Paris, France
Organized by Michel Bernadou, John Cagnol, Francesco Grasso, Jacques Périaux
Link to the web site
Organized or Co-organized Minisymposia
Minisymposium in the Honor of the 65th Birthday of Michel Bernadou within ECCOMAS-IACM 2008
June 30th-July 5th, 2008Venice, Italy
Conference organized by the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) and European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS)
Link to the web site
Minisymposium within the 23rd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization
July 23-27, 2007Crakow, Poland
Conference organized by Wojciech Mitkowski
Series of minisymposia organized by George Avalos, John Cagnol, and Irena Lasiecka
Series of minisymposia organized by John Cagnol, Michel Delfour, and Jean-Paul Zolésio
Co-sponsored by IFIP WG 7.2
Link to the web site
22nd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization
July 18-22, 2005Turino, Italy
Conference organized by Luciano Pandolfi
Series of minisymposia organized by John Cagnol, Michel Delfour, Jan Sokolowski, Dan Tiba and Jean-Paul Zolésio
Co-sponsored by IFIP WG 7.2
Link to the web site
July 24-28, 2004Jyvaskyla, Finland
Conference organized by Pekka Neittaanmdki
Minisymposium "Smart Materials and Structural Control" organized by Michel Bernadou, John Cagnol and Jean-Paul Zolésio
Co-sponsored by IFIP WG 7.2
Link to the web site
SIAM Control and Optimization 2001
July 11-14, 2001San Diego, California
Series of 7 minisymposia on "Control Theory for Interactive PDE Structures" organized by George Avalos, John Cagnol and Irena Lasiecka
Series of 6 minisymposia on " Trends in Analysis and Optimization of Shapes and Geometries" organized by John Cagnol, Michel Delfour and Jean-Paul Zolésio
Link to the web site
Year 2000 International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
May 18-21, 2000Kennesaw, Georgia
Minisymposium organized by John Cagnol and Irena Lasiecka
Link to the web site
May 10-12, 2000Daytona Beach, Florida
Minisymposium organized by John Cagnol and Irena Lasiecka
Link to the web site
ICIAM 1999
July 5-9, 1999Edinburgh, Scotland
Minisympsia organized by John Cagnol, Michel Delfour and Jean-Paul Zolésio
Link to the web site
19th IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization
July 12-16, 1999Cambridge, England
Minisympsium organized by John Cagnol, Michel Delfour and Jean-Paul Zolésio